Yesterday I was able to get the metal parts for the left sub-panel cut out.
Because I only have one .125″ cutter left, I needed to go very slowly and take very small “bites” out of the material. The panel is 6061-T6 aluminum, 0.062″ thick. At the feed rate I used and taking .01″ per pass, it took four hours and forty-six minutes to cut.
Here’s the result of all that time:
I installed the “starter” push-button into the panel to see how it would fit with the test engraving of the light plate that I did. The test light plate is made of card stock that I engraved on the Mini-24. Below is a close up of the engraving.
It’s kind of hard to see in this picture, but the result is very nice.
The three rectangular cutouts at the top are for the landing gear indicators.
Very nice job! I’m in the process of building a Beechcraft Baron Sim, and I have a couple of questions. First, could you let me know where you got your toe brake cylinders from? I have ben looking
for a very similar ones and have not been able to locate them (and the price you paid is perfect). Second, what type of CNC are you using to cut out your panels—is it home made or purchased? If you could let me know, I would appretiate it.
Bill, here’s a direct link to the place I buy those gas springs from:
My CNC machine is a ShopBot PRT 96 Alpha made by ShopBot Tools. (