[simpits-tech] MSFS Visuals

David C. Allen allendc at qwest.net
Sat Jan 6 09:38:24 PST 2007

Hi Alan
I am just using Autodesk Inventor
I added a few more images and corrected some, so that they are maybe 
easier to understand

Original image

Added image :
Removed the -15 degree cutoff so the whole runway can be seen

Changed the Pilot and copilot eye points to spheres to try and better 
represent the pilots eye points

Removed the -15 degree cutoff so the whole runway can be seen

This image has the -15 degree cutoff:

In the 737 the pilots eye point is approximately 147 inches above and 
perpendicular to the runway surface. The distance between the pilot 
and copilot's eye point is 40 inches. From the pilots eye point the 
lower front windshield frames obscures (15 degree cutoff angle) 
approximately 549 inches of runway directly in front of the aircraft. 
The upper windshield cuts of the field of view at approximately 18 
degrees. So it becomes easy to define the area that the pilots can 
view, but it is unclear how to adjust MSFS to represent the same views.

My thoughts is to find group of people who know scenery design, and 
could implement special airports, like AB380 or B737-700. The 
airports would have an alignment area. I envision you putting the 
nose wheel on a mark and then adjusting the MSFS view until you have 
the proper eye height and field of view.


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