[simpits-tech] UK F4 Phantoms

Darren Beaumont simpits-tech@simpits.org
Thu, 7 Feb 2002 23:51:11 -0000


It is indeed a very strange situation.  The whole preservation movement in
the UK has been up-in-arms at the policy regarding the scrapping of the F4s.
The actual policy is a throw-back to the WW2, where the US 'loaned' the UK a
large amount of aircraft.  The deal was, that once the war ended, the
aircraft that were part of the "lend-lease" policy had to be scrapped or
sent back to the US.

It appears that the UK F4s, were 'purchased' under a similar deal/policy.
The US gave us a heap of 2nd/3rd hand F4s in the 60/70's, although they were
heavily modified and re-engined with RR Speys and UK avionics.  Technically
under this deal, the US still 'owned' the aircraft, hence when the aircraft
were retired due to the SALT treaty, we either had to send them back to the
US or scrap them.

It is only in the past year or so, that the 'truth' about this sorry saga
has been found out.  This is because another batch of 10-15 F4s were up to
be scrapped, and no-one could work out why, the MOD stated that the aircraft
HAD to be scrapped.  People started to ask questions, because there was no
way any of these airframes would ever fly again, which is apparently what
was required by the SALT treaty.

Of course now we know the reasons why, the preservation movement, is trying
to save some of these airframes.

The really ironic part of the story, is there are several US F4s that reside
in UK musuems, kindly gifted by the US, but these aircraft never flew with
the UK armed forces.

This is only a short summary of a long and complicated story, but the bottom
line is, I as a UK citizen am not allowed, at this time, to purchase, a F4
UK or otherwise, be it a complete airframe or cockpit etc.


PS It is apparently illegal to export, from the US, F4 items, or any other
US military kit to the UK, yet we can export our military stuff out to the
US with little or no problems, including aircraft.  Hence why some lucky
individuals out in the US have a couple of ex-RAF Harriers (potential
flyers), English Electric Lightnings, etc, etc.

PPS Maybe I should start talking simpits, instead of ranting on about this.

-----Original Message-----
From: simpits-tech-admin@simpits.org
[mailto:simpits-tech-admin@simpits.org]On Behalf Of Marc Weigert
Sent: 07 February 2002 23:08
To: simpits-tech@simpits.org
Subject: AW: [simpits-tech] Misc

Weired and disappointing, what is going on there!

Is the MOD on the hunt for F-4 only, or any other military aircraft?? I
don't understand how there can be a company that sells you either an F-18
fuselage at eBay for 50k US$ or one flyable for 10 mio US$, but you are not
allowed to have the cockpit of an F-4 at home!!! Absolute nonsense!!


> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
> Von: simpits-tech-admin@simpits.org
> [mailto:simpits-tech-admin@simpits.org]Im Auftrag von Gene Buckle
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2002 23:25
> An: simpits-tech@simpits.org
> Betreff: RE: [simpits-tech] Misc
> >
> > Doesn't matter which part of the F4, cockpit, fuselage, tail
> section etc, as
> > far as the MOD is concerned, it either has to be returned to
> the US or, if
> > they don't want it, it gets scrapped.
> >
> In the immortal words of this kid I went to high-school with: "Screw them
> and the horse they rode in on!"  Paint some trash bins OD green, smash the
> crap out of them and ship 'em (collect!) to the MOD labeled "F4 parts".
> Better yet, ship the smashed junk to me (charge it to the MOD) and I'll
> declare them as former F4 bits returned to the US. :)
> g.
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