[simpits-tech] Thrustmaster HOTAS question

geneb geneb at deltasoft.com
Tue Jan 2 12:18:10 PST 2018

On Tue, 2 Jan 2018, MARK COLLINS wrote:

> I have pressed reset mulitple times as the thread states it make take a few tries but still no luck.

I suspect the problem involves not using the right device. ;)  The 
instructions are for a Pro Micro, not whatever that thing is. :D

Here's an example of the correct board: 

You'll notice that it is identical to the one shown in the PDF - for doing 
joystick work, I've never used any other kind of board.  That being said, 
I've got some ideas on leveraging a Teensy 3.1, but nothing on paper yet.

If you want to make your life a lot simpler, you can order this board: 
https://www.oshpark.com/shared_projects/fULmditL - this is the board I 
designed to hold the Pro Micro and give access to all the input axes as 
well as an input matrix.

The row & column wires on the board linked above can connect to this 
board:https://www.oshpark.com/shared_projects/SsFjqyuj, which breaks out 
32 diode-isolated inputs. Solder in 32 1N4001 diodes at D1 thru D32.

C-1 handles switches 1-8, C-2 handles switches 9-16, etc.  One leg of the 
switch goes to a "C" row and the other leg goes to one of the numbered 
rows.  Ex. connect a switch to C-1, pin 1 and then to pin 1 in the "1-8" 
set.  The diodes allow each switch to be identified, regardless of the 
other switches position.

Note that if you order the boards, you're buying them from Osh Park, not 
me - I've put the boards up as open source for anyone to order - I don't 
get a cut of the proceeds. :)


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