[simpits-tech] Pressure breathing

KD chevello at rcn.com
Thu Apr 5 17:13:22 PDT 2007

Uh, not to be a party pooper but I think you guys are totally playing 
with fire here. I know it's cool to have the most complete and accurate 
basement sim, and I can totally understand that, but fiddling around 
with pressure breathing, and even pressurizing G-suits, in my opinion  
(as a designer of mil flight sims, hypo and hyper-baric chambers) may 
well lead to someone getting hurt.

Remember, G-suits and pressure breathing are used when pilots' bodies 
are straining under G in order to minimize some of the effects of that G 
and the blood pooling that results from it. They are there to counteract 
something that doesn't exist in the sims we are dealing with at home.

That's all I'm going to say. Sorry if I'm being a wet dishrag.


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