[simpits-tech] Simulators are cool

KD chevello at rcn.com
Thu Sep 28 22:01:48 PDT 2006


The (old) governing document that explains FAA simulator levels is 
AC120-40B. I found it here:


For military sims, the document was Mil-S-87241A, and that was replaced 
by AFGS-87241A. These may still be controlled distribution (meaning that 
not everyone gets to see them) but if you can find one someplace, I 
guess you could probably read it.

These 2 documents detail every bit of military and general aviation 
simulators and flight training devices.
An excerpt from AC120-40:
 From Appendix A Section 2

a. Cockpit, a full-scale replica of the airplane simulated.
Direction of movement of controls and switches identical to that in the 
The cockpit, for simulator purposes, consists of all that space forward 
of a cross-section of the fuselage at the most extreme aft setting of 
the pilots' seats.
Additional required crewmember duty stations and those required 
bulkheads aft of the  pilot seats are also considered part of the 
cockpit and must replicate the airplane.

Most of what I see going on over at viperpits and elsewhere is WAY over 
and above these requirements. At least until you get to visuals. Visuals 
are still so expensive that not many can afford to do them to FAA or MIL 
requirements.  Thumbs up to anybody who is giving home building a shot.


There are so many aircraft to fly in the latest versions of IL-2:FB and 
Pacific Fighters that it is hard to pick out what is popular. THe 
BF-109G-AS is pretty popular with the "get em with one cannon shot 
before I get stuck in a turn-n-burn" crowd, the P-38 is popular because 
it hauls butt and sports 6 .50 cals. I happen to like the Yak-3P for 
agility and flying with scissors, as well as the Yak 7Y cause it has one 
great huge cannon for killing tanks. The Ilyushin-16 is a LOT of fun for 
a 1939 open cockpit monoplane that has itty bitty guns but turns like a 
gnat. The F4U Corsair is fun to play with on carriers, as is the Zero 
and The other Ki whateveritis.  For bombing raids, there is the JU-87, 
the He-111, the B-17, the Mosquito....

The list just goes on and on. For someone that digs prop planes, it's a 
blast. Plus, cheats are nearly unknown because the flight models are 
locked up in the code of the game someplace. No  user edits. So, no B-17 
that turns like a FW-190 (another one of my faves)

Now for the pics... Heh, sorry, can't let those loose until they are 
publicly available. I know :( bummer. Once it has been announced, I'll 
let you know where to find the pics. Don't want to let out those 
industrial secrets.
I think you guys would be interested in some of the things going on over 
at my office, but I don't want to seem like I am spamming, so I'll leave 
out the links until I get the OK from you.

Later guys


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