[simpits-tech] Re: HASP KEY and other things

Cris Harrison Phoenix2000 at phoenixcomm.net
Thu May 18 04:47:37 PDT 2006

You can break the HASP key with a little work. (if its the dongle, ie 
hangs off your printer, or serial port.)
BTW this is easer if you have a valid key....sitting out there.
1. you need to capture the data being sent out/in from that port.. ( a 
second computer works fine)
2. look at the out put stream and find out what it wants.....
3a  Patch program or vector (interrupt)
3b. Ghost it with a little hardware most likely a eprom, etc...
4  Done.

there really not that effective... I play with much much tougher stuff...
ie floating key sever  64/128/256 bit encryption built out of the 
following info
1. machine serial number (its in the eprom)
2. machines MAC address
3. machines network address ie (dhcp clients will not work!)
4. your name
5  your company name
6 zip code
optional stuff encoded
1. time bomb ie date when software will not work, not the nag screen. 
this one tell you to reg now!
2. floating seat count. ie how many concorrent uses can use the system.
3. other stuff...like you have a meeting, and you need 3 extra seats for 
1 month date start , date end...
all these keys are done online or via email...

fun, Crash, Burn,
Good Luck
Cris Harrison
I have started a new web site for my simulator (NexGen)
Check it out, Register and please do the survey as it will help me with 
new products

Gene Buckle wrote:

>> Furthermore, does anyone know how to work with HASP keys?  Cyber dome 
>> requires the use of a HASP key.
> Congrats on the purchase.  Any pics?
> A HASP key is used as a copy protection device.  If you have software 
> that requires that key and you don't have the key, forget it.
> g.
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