[simpits-tech] Someone's bound to like this...[OFF TOPIC]

Bubba mysticz28 at swbell.net
Mon Sep 20 13:00:45 PDT 2004

Chris Crowley wrote:
> So if we just search the terrorists is that OK? Or would that be
> violating
> their rights to hijack airliners? Would you like your mom or sister
> on the
> plane that they didn't search the passengers because they might
> offend you.
> And what then if it crashes into another building? Would that be
> enough? I
> think if you don't like being searched, walk, stay home, or buy your
> own
> plane.

The problem is that the searches are completely ineffective. I watched at 
least 50 people get searched. Not one single person was a member of any 
minority. Sure there have been white terrorists, but not very many have 
hijacked or blown up planes.

> It's all so confusing to me. Maybe we should just have bacon
> sandwiches at
> check in? If you don't eat your sandwich, you can't have any pudding.

Hey, that would work. Or require nude flight attendants ;)
mysticz28 at swbell.net
He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in.

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