[simpits-tech] LOMAC lua files related to export

Gene Buckle geneb at deltasoft.com
Wed Jun 16 10:39:18 PDT 2004

> I'm a bit disapointed by this post, was hoping for more
> http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=400102&f=38610606&m=872107174

Yeah, I just about hit the f'ing ceiling when I got the list. 7 frigging
outputs!  I was totally astonished, especially considering the list I sent
them.  I sent a note off to the devs begging for an explanation.  Hell,
even  Falcon 4.0 beats this out of the box. :(

I'm really hoping this was just a documentation oversight and there are a
lot more really available.

Grep the binary and all the .DLL files for "LoGet" and see what you find.


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