[simpits-tech] MacGayver

Marc Weigert mail at marceting.de
Thu Jul 8 19:14:47 PDT 2004

Hello Jack (Matt),

>> As for what concerns MacGyver: I'm sure I would have had 30% better
>> marks in school, if they wouldn't have repeated them twice a day the
>> months before my final examns! Thought watching it is best preparation
>> for my physics examns but was prooven to be totally wrong with that
>> assumption! ;o))

MB> 	Yes, MacGyver had just waaay too much luck. It's the sort of stuff that
MB> makes you say "well, ok that's possible, but no way you'd get it right
MB> without a ton of calculation and measuring beforehand..........." :)

That's indeed been the problem! I tried to create my own formulas
then, they even worked (for me, but not for very long, especially not
for the others) , but the teacher told me that he thought about
sending my test to Stockholm, suggesting it for a Nobel Price
nomination as I dramatically simplified the laws of Physics!! Yes,
I've been a real genious ;o))))



MB> 	-Jack (founder, president, & chief pilot Fly-by-Night Air Service!)
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Best regards,
 Marc                            mailto:mail at marceting.de

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