[simpits-tech] panel fonts

Chris "SpeedOne" Van Lierop speedone at chello.nl
Thu Jul 1 18:27:23 PDT 2004

> Besides, maybe he
> enjoys the process of creating a font that he knows others will
> appriciate?

I do :-)

I hate to see the day when my cockpit is ready (which will be like.... never
(I hope), btw ;-)
Most of the fun for me is tackling the problems that come across my path;
finding (budget) solutions to make the whole thing "look" like the real
million dollar cockpit, spending only a few thousand Euros...

Also: something wilth "enjoying the path... blah blah, not the goal etc.
etc." ;-)

Imitating the font is pretty difficult, but it doesn't cost a thing, AND
it's a lot of fun when you get it right and other people can enjoy your work

So, in retrospect... if someone knows where to buy the original Gorton font
and how much it costs: don't tell me!  ;-))

Chris "SpeedOne" Van Lierop

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