[simpits-tech] Best... Auction... EVER

Roy Coates roy at flightlab.liv.ac.uk
Tue Apr 13 16:08:39 PDT 2004

On Tue, 13 Apr 2004, Brian Sikkema wrote:

> I once saw a guy selling ass-whoopings. For you. In other words, you would
> purchase the right to have this guy come to your house and kick your ass.

LOL!!  Thats a bit like buying MS-Windows isn't it?

> The best, though, was the not-quite-square peice of cardboard. It was
> exactly what it sounds like - a peice of cardboard that had been cut into a
> rough square. When I saw it the bids were over a million. Hehehehe.

Some people have waaaaay too much spare time on their hands ;-)


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