[simpits-tech] BMS: light states and shared memory

Michi Hirczy mi.hi at gmx.net
Wed Oct 15 10:29:03 PDT 2003

Mark Doran wrote:

> Ummm, that would be me doing the work and I will try to keep an eye on any
> requests or bug reports I see here.
> Changes you refer to are in the 0.8 BMS exe -- please test them and let me
> know if you have any problems.  

Hi, Mark!

I haven't tested it yet, but have another question:
In the readme to BM.8 you state, that you have a new keystroke for the 
external wing trans switch. AFAIR, there are some keystrokes for the TWR 
AUX panel missing - are these already implemented somewhere? (I haven't 
checked for about 3 monthes now, too busy at work)


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