[simpits-tech] BMS and F4G

Michi Hirczy mi.hi at gmx.net
Mon Oct 6 18:58:40 PDT 2003

Mark Doran wrote:

> Yes, BMS will have new things in the F-16 cockpit building support
> department.
> There are already a couple of new keystrokes but you can expect a few more
> that are cockpit builder oriented.
> Short of MFD bitmaps exported (which we all know is like the top priority
> but, according to Erwin who should know, not practical with the current gfx
> engine), if there are things you'd like to see added/fixed, now would be a
> good time to make those wants known.

where do I have to send my inputs? some of the data will not be updated, 
if not displayed (i.e. master caution light, gear handle light, 
front/aft fuel). it would be great, if all sharedmem-data would be 
available all the time...
some lightbits are reversed (maingen, sec gen), but that's not too big a 

Erwin, with the new data available, will F4DataMirror stay freeware, or 
is it going the payware route like F4Glass?

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