[simpits-tech] Keyboard encoders

Ido Dekkers simpits-tech@simpits.org
Sun, 25 May 2003 14:34:16 +0300

But if you use a keyboard encoder - aren't the ports static - meaning you
have to connect "a" to 1-1 and "A" to 1-2 ?
 About the software, my friend is writing VC ( he will hit me if i mention
VB near him),
He has all the modules ready -

getting all the phidgets connected and identifying them ,
capturing the state change
translating the state change to a key stroke ( Inc. left right Alt Ctrl
Shift and sequences and anything else anyone ever mentioned on the list)
sending the key stroke to the KB buffer

and a few other things, all working and tested, all he needs to do now is
put the together in a nice interface were after you have done the wiring ,
all you have to do is flick a switch and the software asks you to click the
keyboard for the right combination.

After that is finished, he will work on the output stage - controlling the
" not interface kit" phidgets.


             James Hallows                                                 
             m>                                                         To 
             Sent by:                  simpits-tech@simpits.org            
             simpits-tech-admi                                          cc 
                                       Re: [simpits-tech] Keyboard         
             05/25/2003 01:55          encoders                            
             Please respond to                                             

Yup - that's as I thought.
http://www.phidgets.com/phidget-interfacekit/ScannedDigitalInput.html tells

me it probably just informs me when a switch has been closed or not. That
still means I'd need to find some way of sending keyboard scan codes to the

keyboard buffer - no mean feat in a driver and better implemented in
hardware via a keyboard encoder which doesn't require driver support or CPU

resources. Don't get me wrong - I would love it if Phidgets did all this as

it's natively coded for the language I develop in - VB. That's a gift for
me and integrating it with my Cougar work.

But currently, that still makes the X-Keys or Hagstroms cheaper and better
bets fulfilling the original requested application for a device that can be

connected to switches and be programmable to generate keyboard scan codes.



>you can find it in the on-line shop under the prototype section and the
>documentation is :

>              James Hallows
>              <nutty@flyfoxy.co
>              m>
>              Sent by:                  simpits-tech@simpits.org
>              simpits-tech-admi
>              n@simpits.org
>                                        Re: [simpits-tech] Keyboard
>              05/25/2003 01:33          encoders
>              AM
>              Please respond to
>              simpits-tech@simp
>                   its.org
> >You do have the 0/256/0 that runs 256 switches in a matrix,  and costs
> >80 Cdn ( as long as chester gets the drive to stop the BSOD's)
>Aah I missed that one. I can't find any documentation on it on the site. I
>presume what this does is to allow you to monitor when a switch is closed
>or not, and therefore you'd still need to program output as you'd want it?
>So it wouldn't therefore do the equivalent job of a keyboard encoder
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