[simpits-tech] Landing the Viper

Michi Hirczy simpits-tech@simpits.org
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 10:49:10 +0200

mysticz28@swbell.net wrote:
> Inventmd@aol.com wrote:
>>I seem to remember a web page that is devoted to landing a Viper that made
>>landing a breeze.
>>Anyone know any URLs??
>>I keep an 11 degree angle of attack, 130 kts, 2000lb fuel flow,  and flare at
>>the end, gears down, Brake on... only to crash.  AAAAARRRRRRRGH

hmmm.. I keep an AOA of 13 deg, and most of the time airspeed of about 
160-180 kts. works fine..

just my 2c