[simpits-tech] How do you deal with temperature inside the pit?

Bob Phillips simpits-tech@simpits.org
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 16:17:35 -0600


  You are missing the point about a/c in an aircraft.  In a sim you are
worried about cooling down the systems and the human.  In an aircraft that
flies, you are worried more about heating up the systems and making the
human comfortable.  Here in Texas when the ground temp is in the high one
hundred plus, then you worry about cooling on startup, taxi, landing.  Once
in the air, if you want cooler you climb, especially in a jet.  The freeze
level is about 10 or 11 thousand feet.  And like that clean room you are
interested in recycling the air in the enviroment.  Most jet aircraft use a
bleed from one of the engines to increase the heat in the cockpit to be
comfortable.  Large commerical aircraft (like a 747) have an internal a/c
for operating on the ground, as the outside temp might be high, and 300+
people give off a group of heat.  The window unit would be a great idea for
sim cooling.  If you wanted to be real inventive, you could create an
internal ac from an automotive a/c, this would give you a small compressor,
evaporater, hoses inside and an external condensor and fan outside a
window/wall.  Just remember that if you build your own that the epa will
replace the batf as your best friend.  Oh, and it would help if you have a
buddy with a license for freon.  Damm, I knew that those 9 years rebuilding
auto a/c units would come in handy somehow...

Bob "Lumper" Phillips