[simpits-tech] Misc

Bob Phillips simpits-tech@simpits.org
Fri, 8 Feb 2002 13:34:26 -0600

 The US is doing strange things with old military aircraft, and this was
even before the 9-11 days.  Seems that last year some fool bought some F4
parts and was caught trying to send them to Iran.  After that the boys here
went crazy and put a ban on all military aircraft items.  You can no longer
get parts, seats, canopies, etc.  If on an airframe, then they have to be
scrapped and destroyed as a unit.  Why we are worried that the Iranians
might get an F4 that has sat for the last twenty years to fly is beyond me.
I would be a little more worried about their Migs, F14's, etc.  I mean if
the F4 is such hot s**t, why are we crushing them?  But the goverment is a
goofy bunch, I remember years ago that LTV could not sell A7's to the US
because it was considered an obsolete aircraft and it could not sell to
Greece because it was an advanced military aircraft.  Just remember in the
US, elected officials make the laws, underpaid office workers make the
regulations that have nothing to do with laws, but can be enforced as if
they were stronger than the law.  This gives rise to the pol saying I did
not mean for the law to say that, and the suit saying I was just doing what
the law said.  They are off the hook, and we take it in the butt again.
Just basic polsci 101 in plain speak.

Now off soapbox mode,

Bob "lumper" Phillips

> Is the MOD on the hunt for F-4 only, or any other military aircraft?? I
> don't understand how there can be a company that sells you either an F-18
> fuselage at eBay for 50k US$ or one flyable for 10 mio US$, but you are
> allowed to have the cockpit of an F-4 at home!!! Absolute nonsense!!