[GEM Development] DOS-GEM in VirtualBox (Was DOS in VirtualPC)

Armand Colleye armand.colleye at planet.nl
Wed Aug 1 14:21:35 PDT 2018

Hi all,

Reading the responses I had to create a summary of my project and of 
course which files it contains.


It started off with VPC-2004 and a try to create a virtual machine with 
DOS and (of course) GEM on top.

Then an upgrade to VPC-2007.

These machines where static. No attempts to create larger disks.

In the beginning of 2013, when I had a 24 hour per week job, I filled my 
spare time to create a setup application with INNO-Setup (see innosetup.com)

I created a 4 MB hard-disk for pre-installed GEM-applications (GEMBOOT 
disk) and a 4 MB hard-disk (GEMDATA called) for easy install and 
original zip-files.

With the easy-install I mean that the installation is straight forward: 
PKUNZIP -O -D <filename> C:\


Now the set-up-application has grown into maturity (still not grown up 
;) ) with configuration for VirtualBox, checks on version for VirtualBox 
and Windows.

The GEMBOOT has grown to 58 MB and the GEMDATA to 106 MB.

GEMBOOT is a OpenGEM v6 system with the largest working screen size I 
could find on John Elliots pages.

And not all GEM-applications/versions have been processed.


GEMBOOT the latest version is installed and GEMDATA contains all (read 
older) versions.

The known exception of this is Ventura publisher. I did not process the 
latest version (3.0 professional)

If there were GEM-manuals in PDF of the installed applications I do 
install them as well.

Thus all-in-all the set-up-application has grown to a 310MB with a 
needed space 396 MB.


See attachment for the contents of the GEMDATA

Happy reading.


If you have GEM-applications or created one please make me happy :)

Email signature Armand Colleye

Met vriendelijke groet,
With kind regards,

Armand Colleye


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	GEMINI3.ZIP  A basic gem installation.
	GEM5.ZIP     A GEM/5 runtime from GST
	GEMV313.ZIP  Gem version 3.13
	OPENGEM6.ZIP The latest free gem version (Version 6)
	1STWORD1.ZIP    1st Word plus version 2
	1STWORD2.ZIP    1st word plus version 2 (German version)
	1STWORD3.ZIP    1st word plus version 1.3
	GEMWC100.ZIP    Gem WordChart version 1
	GEMWC101.ZIP    Gen wordChart version 1.01
	STX.ZIP         A smal text processor written by Heinz Rath
	WRITE100.ZIP    GEM Write version 1.0
	WRITE101.ZIP    GEM Write version 1.01

	Art_symb.zip    Artline additiona symbol file(s)
	Artline1.zip    Artline version 1. Works perfectly with GEM/3 and OpenGem V6
	Artline2.zip    Artline version 2. Works with GEM/3 and OpenGem, but uses its own(?) version.
	ARTSETUP.ZIP    Artline version 2 UK. Works with GEM/3 and OpenGem, but uses its own(?) version.
					This version is including Eidographics Slide Service
	Artfnts.zip     Additional fonts for Artline
	Artl2_s.zip     Artline 2 supplemenmtal disk. Contains extar fonts
	Clipart.zip     Extra clipartimages for paint
	Doodle.zip      The original Doodle.app
	Doodle2.zip     The doodle.app adpated so it can save your precious work
	DRAW10.ZIP      Draw version 1. Together with its library
	DRAW20.ZIP      Draw version 2. Library included and some missing drawings from version 1 added
	Draw20P.zip     Draw version 2.01 Plus. Orginal library included
	Drwart.zip      Draw library images
	Fgdoodle.zip    Free GEM Doodle.
	Graph100.zip    GEM graph version 1.0
	Graph101.zip    GEM Graph version 1.01
	IEDIT.ZIP       An icon editor for GEMWEB
	Maped100.zip    The map editor
	PAINT10.ZIP     GEM Paint version 1.0
	PAINT20.ZIP     GEM Paint version 2.0

	4.ZIP         Game to get 4 on a row, with pascal-source code
	2048APP.ZIP   The 2048 game from John Elliot as application
	2048ACC.ZIP   The 2048 game fromJohn Elliot as accesoire
	BJACK.ZIP     BlackJack game
	BOINKOUT.ZIP  The boink out ball game.
	CHESS.ZIP     Chess game
	CUBE.ZIP      A gem app for ??.
	DRAGHTS.ZIP   A checkers game.
	DUNGEON.ZIP   A staregy (text) game, under GEM. Needs to be played from
	GEMTRIS.ZIP   A tetris game.
	LOTTO.ZIP     A gem app to randomize lotto numbers.
	MASTMIND.ZIP  A game to play mastermind.
	OTHELLO.ZIP   A game to play othello. Pascal source code is for DOS (!)
	PACKMAN.ZIP   Play packman.
	TICTAC.ZIP    The tic-tac game. With pascal-source code
	STARTREK.ZIP  The start trek game
	WINLABY.ZIP   A labyrinth game
	1WORD13.ZIP   1st word version 1.3
	4.ZIP         Game to get 4 on a row, with pascal-source code
	ALARM.ZIP     hows a GEM application talking to a DOS Plus background program from Dylan Harris
	Artli_DE.zip  Artline version 2.0 German version
	ARTL_2UK.ZIP  Artline version 2 UK. Works with GEM/3 and OpenGem, but uses its own(?) version.
				  This version is including Eidographics Slide Service
	BINDINGS.ZIP  These bindings, from a disk set called ?Compuserve Source and Bindings?,
				  include code released by Digital Research to enable programmers to write GEM
				  applications in a variety of languages, and the source code to some important GEM
				  applications. Many files consist of collections of smaller files in something that looks quite
				  like a TAR archive: but I?ve no idea what archive program was used to pack everything,
				  so you?ll have to unpack it by hand. Ensure you check every source file
	CHESS.zip     Chess game with pascal-source code
	CUBE.zip      Draws a rotating cube illustrating drawing techniquesfrom Dylan Harris
	FONT102.zip   The Sysfont utility. This is version 1.02. The version in the utilities folder is the
				  same, but there are fonts added to it.
	Gscript.zip   An example of programming for a script. See info inside. No source included :( 
	Gemlaby.zip   A labyrinth game. With C-source code
	Gemptk_1.zip  The 3 zipfiles for the Gem/3 programmers toolkit
	Gemptk.zip    Version 2.3.1 of the Gem/3 programmers toolkit with library installation
	Gemtris.zip   A tetris game. With C-source code
	LHGEM.ZIP     A memory manager for gem
	LOTTOGEM.ZIP  A gem app to randomize lotto numbers. With pascal source-code
	MASTMIND.ZIP  A game to play mastermind. With Pascal source code
	MIDIGEM.ZIP   An application to play midi files
	MIDIUPD.ZIP   The update of the MidiGem application
	MMPGEM.ZIP    Fortran source files to ??
	MMP2DGEM.ZIP  Fortran source files to ??
	OTHELLO.ZIP   A game to play othello. Pascal source code is for DOS (!)
	PACKMAN.ZIP   Play packman. With pascal-source code
	SCGEM.ZIP     The first release of SC, a spreadsheet app. With pascal-source code
	SCGEM2.ZIP    The latest release of SC, a spreadsheet app, including STX.app.
				  With pascal-source code
	SNDBIND.ZIP   Enhancement for the sound-binding including source code
	STARTREK.ZIP  A small game with C-source code
	STX.ZIP       small editor with pascal source code
	SYSFONTS.ZIP  The sysfont app with source code
	SV4DOS1.ZIP   The 1st disk for SampleVison Sound editor from TurtleBeach (GEM version)
	SV4DOS2.ZIP   The 2nd disk for SampleVison Sound editor from TurtleBeach (GEM version)
	SV4DOS3.ZIP   The 3rd disk for SampleVison Sound editor from TurtleBeach (GEM version)
	TicTac.zip    The tic-tac game. With pascal-source code
	TRAINING.ZIP  Training samples used by Digital Research on their GEM Programmers? course
	TWPUB_DE.ZIP  Timeworks Publisher 2(?) German Demo version from PC Magazin
	TWPUB112.ZIP  Timeworks Publisher version 1.12 
	VP_11_EN.ZIP  Ventura publisher version 1.1 English version with
				  additional supplemental disks
	VP_12_NL.ZIP  Ventura Publisher version 1.2 Dutch version
	VP_20_EN.ZIP  Ventura Publisher version 2.0 English
	BCALC.zip     Becker calc spreadsheet (german version). Please use install.app BEFORE first use!!
	MIPSCALC.zip  Gem MIPS calc spreadsheet appliciation
	SC.zip        SC.app written by Peter Sieg. ALso to be found in \ORIGINAL
	AREACODE.ZIP  A small utility to search North American area codes
	BASIC2.ZIP    Locomotive Basic 2. I could not get it to work :(
	B2PLUS.ZIP    Locomotive Basic 2 Plus, added with basic 
				  applications found on the net, with description!
	B2MAN.ZIP     The original JPG scans of the B2 manual
	B2_UTILS.ZIP  Some Basic 2 utilities
	CNTRCODE.ZIP  A small utility to look up telephone country codes
	FILTER.ZIP    A small applictaion which can read delimeted (structured) files
	GEMCHRLK.ZIP  A small utility to check the ASCII code
	GemNMR1.zip   A tool for the simulation of time-dependent NMR 
				  spectra. This file contains the older version this
				  one consumes less memory
	GemNmr2.zip   A tool for the simulation of time-dependent NMR
				  spectra. This is the latest version.
	S5.zip        A tool to simulate Siemens S5 
	Menu.zip      A small app wich shows a menu.
	_VMADD.ZIP   Virtual machine additions (from VPC 2004);
				 idle.com is the only utility to be used.
				 The rest is not tested yet (20150317)
	AIDA214.ZIP  A tool to give you information about the
				 computer (CPU, harddisk, video, sound, etc)
CDROM........Directory for CDROM utilities
		CDROM.ZIP    The smallest (working) CD-ROM driver found
		GSCD.EXE     Goldstar CD rom driver with utilities
		CDPRO.ZIP    VIDE-CDD CD-rom driver, with accompanying explanation text
		QCDROM.ZIP   CD ROM driver with acoompanying explanation text
		UNIIDE.EXE   The original complete package of CDPRO.ZIP

		RAM usage of the drivers:
		CDROM.SYS	    in CDROM.ZIP	  5024 bytes
		GSCDROM.SYS	    in GSCD.EXE	     26000 bytes
		VIDE-CDD.SYS	in CDPRO.ZIP	 20480 bytes
		QCDROM.SYS	    in QCDROM.ZIP	  2528 bytes
	CHK_CPU.ZIP  A small utility to see what CPU is running.
				 Inside a VM it gives the host CPU :(
	CTM_21B4.ZIP CuteMouse version 2.1 B4 with source and
				 usage manual
	DOSIDLE.ZIP  An other utility to prevent CPU usage when
				 not needed. Aded just in case your "host"
				 system is different.
	DOS4GW.ZIP   Zip containing runtime for the dos 4G(W)
				 extenders e.g. MPXPLAY
	GEMCAP.ZIP   Capture a screen in IMG output
	PKZIP250.ZIP The ZIP and Unzip utilities
	SHUT12.ZIP   The source and binary of the shutdown application
SOUND........Directory for sound utilities
		MPXPLAY.ZIP  A dos utility to play music. Added here 
					 for testing purposes
		SB16_DOS.ZIP The installation for the Sound Blaster 16
					 Read als the acompanying
		SBBASIC.EXE  The same as SB16_DOS.ZIP but in the self
					 extracting format Orginally from Creative
	GEMPUB20.ZIP   GEM Desktop publisher version 2.01
	FILTERS.ZIP    Filters 2 GEM from various text sources
	GEM_1_1.ZIP   GEM version 1.1
	GEM_1_2.ZIP   GEM Version 1.2
	GEM_1_3.ZIP   GEM version 1.3
	GEM_1_4.ZIP   GEM version 1.4
	GEM_1_5.ZIP   GEM version 1.5
	GEM_1_6.ZIP   GEM version 1.6
	GEM_2_0.ZIP   GEM version 2.0
	GEM_2_1.ZIP   GEM version 2.1
	GEM_2_2.ZIP   GEM version 2.2
	GEM_3_0.ZIP   GEM version 3.0
	GEM_310.ZIP   GEM version 3.10
	GEM_311.ZIP   GEM version 3.11
	GEM_313.ZIP   GEM version 3.13
	GEM3_01D.ZIP  GEM version 3.01D
	GEM_300A.ZIP  GEM version 3.0 (an other copy)
	GEM3COMP.ZIP  GEM 3 complete (Paint, Draw, Publisher 1.5, Wordchart, Fontware, Graph, Maped)
	OGEM_210.ZIP  OpenGem release 2.10 (After installing it keeps asking for a disc in A: Choose ignore)
	OGEM220D.ZIP  OpenGem release 2.20
	OGEM3.ZIP     OpenGem release 3
	OPENGEM4.ZIP  OpenGem release 4
	PRESTEAM.ZIP  GEM/3 Prestentation Team, without the additional bitfonts
	QGEGA.ZIP     Version for PCs with EGA video. Also recommended for small monitors. 640x350 resolution
	QGVGA.ZIP     Version for PCs with VGA (the vast majority). 640x480 resolution
These distros are all basic detups, only the desktop! No applications unless noted otherwise.
	Gemcap.zip    A small utility to capture screens and do output in IMG format
	Font100.zip   A utility to change the appearance of fonts. Version 1.00
	Font102.zip   A utility to change the appearance of fonts. Version 1.02. Extra fonts added.
	FREEMEM.ZIP   An accessoire to see how much free memory is available under GEM
	GEMEMS.zip    GEM in EMS memory from Ventura
	Gemoff_1.zip  A German utility for calendar and postage dues (1984!!)
	Gemoff_2.zip  The same German utility in Enlish language
	Growbox.zip   A accessoire to grow the windows within GEM
	INST1986.ZIP  The install application, which is present in original distributions (1986 version)
	INST1987.ZIP  The install application, which is present in original distributions (1987 version)
	INST1988.ZIP  The install application, which is present in original distributions (1988 version)
	LHGEM.zip     A memory manager for GEM
	FG40DRV2.ZIP  VESA video screen drivers
	MIDI.ZIP      The midi player with source.
	MIDIUPD.ZIP   The update of the MIDI.ZIP.
	GEMMOD.ZIP    A mod player
	GEMMOD1.ZIP   A newer version of the MOD player
	SOUND04.ZIP   Some sound drivers for GEM
	WAVE.ZIP      The WAV.APP with extra drivers
	WIZARDOZ.ZIP  A piece music from the wizard of OZ for
				  testing :)
	FLATOUT.ZIP   A sample (FlatoutLies) from fpc compiler

Midi sound is not (yet) supported on the Virtual Box.
(This conclusion is drawn on 08 april 2015)

Special care is taken to install the SB16 sound driver.
But in combination with VirtualBox no sound (with GEM)

	1STGUIDE.ZIP  The sources and binaries for 1stVIEW and 1stGUIDE
	BINDINGS.ZIP  These bindings, from a disk set called ?Compuserve Source and Bindings?,
				  include code released by Digital Research to enable programmers to write GEM
				  applications in a variety of languages, and the source code to some important GEM
				  applications. Many files consist of collections of smaller files in something that looks quite
				  like a TAR archive: but I?ve no idea what archive program was used to pack everything,
				  so you?ll have to unpack it by hand. Ensure you check every source file
	GAME2048.ZIP  The 2048 game of John Elliot
	GEM3V313.ZIP  The sources to (re-)build a GEM/3 V3.13
	GEMBIND.ZIP   The sources and examples to create GEM application with pascal
	GEMBUILD.ZIP  Some tools and a very short how-to build the desktop
	GEMMOD.ZIP    The source code of GEMMOD
	GEMPTK15.ZIP  The sources and tools of the GEM PTK version 1.5
	IEDIT.ZIP     An icon edit for GEMWEB
	JOHNDESK.ZIP  A desktop with source form John Elliot
	KENDESK.ZIP   A desktop with source from Ken Mauro
	LIBMAD.ZIP    MAD is a simple 'inter-library' based on GEM (porting from Atari ST)
	METAFILE.ZIP  Sourcecode to view metafile information
	MIDI.ZIP      The MIDI palyer with sources
	OTHELLO.ZIP   The pascal source file for the othello game
	QG_RSC.ZIP    The RSC and DFN files for QuickGem
	TERMINAL.ZIP  A RS-232 terminal with a binary acc
	TRAINING.ZIP  Training samples used by Digital Research on their GEM Programmers? course
	TW.ZIP        A C-source for a text-window
	SETUP.ZIP     A FreeGEM setup executable with sources
	SOUND04S.ZIP  The sound drivers for GEM with source
	STX.ZIP       The original sources from Heinz Rath for this word processor
	SYSFONTS.ZIP  The source of the sysfont application
	RCS20.ZIP      Version 2.0 and 2.0 Beta of the RCS application with source
	GEMPTK23.ZIP   Gem/3 PTK version 2.3
	GEMPTK.ZIP     Gem/3 PTK version 2.3.1

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