[GEM Development] Failed Download

Ben A L Jemmett ben at jemmett.me.uk
Fri Nov 4 13:16:57 PDT 2011

On Fri, November 4, 2011 6:58 pm, Thomas Clayton wrote:
> I went searching (a little) to confirm my message to Jeff, and found a
> link to GEMXM Beta3
> When I tried DLing it, I got 675 bytes with a zip file symbol.
> What is going on?

Bit tricky to work that out without knowing what link you were following ;)

> And BTW, WHERE should I try getting it again.

The download on deltasoft.com works for me:


Note, however, that this contains the original code from DRI and although
the binaries work, the source either doesn't build or doesn't work
depending on component.  Patches and updates to address this do exist; my
most recent efforts are at my dumping ground:


... and I believe John has some updates, all (or more likely some) of
which I incorporated into the above as well:


Ben A L Jemmett.

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