[GEM Development] GEM/XM VDI source

John Elliott jce at seasip.demon.co.uk
Sun Feb 19 01:02:43 PST 2006

  As we know, the GEM/XM VDI source that came into our hands was missing two
files: GDOS.A86 and LOAD.A86.

  I've now reconstructed these with a disassembler. As usual, they can be
downloaded from <http://www.seasip.info/Gem/gengem.html>.

  I've also updated my AES documentation with proper details of the XM
proc_*() calls. There is some weird stuff going on in there. For starters,
there's a "zyxg" string in there followed by a zero byte, and if you change
that byte to one, all the applications' windows appear in the same desktop
instead of each app having its own (compare System 7 and MultiFinder). This
rather puts the kibosh on SETTINGS.APP because its icons appear behind the
immovable windows of the Desktop. Then there's a proc_delete() call where
the C binding passes an integer parameter but the AES ignores it. And as
for proc_mfree()...

  btw, Shane, you need Digital Research's LINK86 v1.3 in your SDK if you want
people to be able to build the GEM/XM VDI. It can be downloaded from 

John Elliott

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