[GEM Development] ITs been quiet Are we xmitting?

Thomas Clayton topcatdrc at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 29 20:54:20 PDT 2005

Dear GEM-Dev Listers:

First, my apologies to Liam who's letter was NOT
intended to be re-sent. I *was* looking for a quick
way to get the group's address into the "To:" field
and ran out of time - the library was closing - before
I could 'cut out' the contents of his letter. In fact,
I didn't even get to put my own 'body' letter in! I
felt lucky to have gotten the subject line re-done in

Secondly, I glad to see we (all, this time) didn't
have a break in communication as had happened to
(just) me, earlier. You all needn't 'pause' writing
just 'cause I've fallen behind in my reading. (This in
reference to my earlier letter "I've Fallen Behind ...
Don't Stop!") Although, I must say, I can use the time
"catch up" and re-RE-send the letters that 'got lost'
in the 'outage'.

Owen's a 18-19yr old first year uni/college student? 
(I visited the web site link.) Hmmm. 

I'd thought he was a *MUCH* older adualt and that
Shane was *the* youngster! Maybe its the tag-line of
John Elliot's letters (from the Goon Show) Together
with the 'fact' that John and Owen *seemed* (to me) to
have known each other - "*forever*".

St. Andrews ?in Scotland? (near the golf course, of
course!). Someone there had had posted some old
?DOS,GEM? Sw that wasn't there anymore (bad link) when
I went 'looking' two or three years ago. I *was*
impressed with the site, I remember. Your
OwenRudge.net was (/is) impressive, too. 

*Where's the GEM link?* ;-)


Tom Clayton
Who is just about out of time, again.

--- Owen Rudge <owen at owenrudge.net> wrote:

> > Subject: [GEM Development] ITs been quiet Are we
> xmitting?
> I've just started at university... it's been totally
> mad, but really good. 
> Just written a 2500-ish word blog about it,
> http://blog.owenrudge.net/ if 
> you're bored...
> -- 
> Owen Rudge
> http://www.owenrudge.net/ 

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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