[GEM Development] The OpenGEM Interviews

John Elliott jce at seasip.demon.co.uk
Sat Sep 17 16:07:22 PDT 2005

: Here they were relatively cheap and the GEM interface was quite a step 
: up from plain DOS. I have an idea that some were sold here with a 
: different GUI,  but am not sure -- I saw one running in a computer store 
: once, using a rather colourful but slightly clunky file manager, and 
: said "That looks interesting..." but had to resume my journey and never 
: got back to it.

  Counterpoint, perhaps. It came with the 5086 and probably other PCs of
that generation as well. Did it look like this?

: I think that Alan Sugar deserves more credit than he got for bridging 
: the gap between hobbyist projects and consumer products.

  As I have been known to point out when persons on Usenet try to award all
the credit to Bill Gates.

John Elliott

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