[GEM Development] OpenGEM SDK Release 1 now out!

John Elliott jce at seasip.demon.co.uk
Fri Jun 3 00:13:03 PDT 2005

: Sorry if it annoyed you.  Each file cited you as the author and linked back 
: to your website.

  You should have asked, all the same. Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act
sections 17 & 18. 
: What bits did I miss?  I thought all the system calls and so on were 
: included :(

  The missing items I've noticed so far are:
* The VDI escapes.
* The structure of an MFDB.
* The list of window messages. 
* The GEM and IMG file formats.

  I'm also not particularly enamoured of the way that the hyperlinks still
point at my website, even when they could refer to anchors in the same file.

John Elliott

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