HOW TO' Aces II Ejection Seat   by  Chris "SpeedOne" Van Lierop                  Page 1
HOW TO build your own ACESII imitation

This is by nomeans an attempt to copy the original ACESII Ejection Seat exactly.It’smore like a
look a like generic version of all the sub-types that are called theACESII. I started to build mine as a
part of a complete (fysical) flight simulator. After the completion I put some pictures on my website
( and have since been asked often about the plans.So by popular demand I
have created a sort of How-To.

I have received plans for an ACESII replica earlier from Jeff Heeszel as apart of his own designed “Hell
Seat”. I did not use any of his plans to create my own. I took all measurements myself from a model and
scaled drawings. I do think he deserves credit for his work though, because his “HellSeat” inspired me in a
great way. If you’re interested in building a more complete cockpit then just a Seat, check out his site at: or mail him at:

I am in no way familiar with technical drawings or any stuff. I learned myself how to use AutoCad so I am far
from an expert in this field. If anything is not clear,incomplete or false,please let me know...You can reach
me by e-mail at:

None of these drawings are protected by any form of copyright (as far as I know;-) and this complete
document is free for distribution to anyone by anyone as long as it’s for free. I don’t need to be credited in
anyway and just hope that someone else might have as much fun building it as I did.

First here are some drawings to give you a general idea of what the Seat will look like.

From here we will start with the back part of the Seat, the part where your back and head rest against the