[GEM Development] Erratic Mouse Movement

John Elliott jce at seasip.demon.co.uk
Mon Jun 6 11:05:51 PDT 2011

> Drivers: DRMOUSE from the DOS and CTMouse (Cute Mouse?) from free DOS. I 
> haven't, YET, tried, either Microsoft's (8.x) nor Logitech's (6.43) drivers.
> The L's have "cloaking" which worked very well (back when it was an 
> everyday thing for me!) which loads the driver into upper / high memory.

  If it's a PS/2 mouse, you could try using GEM's native PS/2 support and
seeing if that made any difference. Find the patch area in the video driver
as described at <http://www.seasip.info/Gem/driver.html>, and change the
'mouse' byte from 2 to 10.

John Elliott

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