[simpits-tech] panel gauge facade...

Freeman Pascal pascal at pascal.org
Thu Jan 31 12:50:25 PST 2008

Hello everyone,

It's time for me to stop lurking and start working on my own cockpit.   
Since I cannot decide between building a Cessna 172 or a Barron 58  
cockpit for my own use and training, I have decided I will build  
both.  The Cessna will be my first effort since it is the simpler of  
the two and probably has a higher probability of success and completion.

To keep construction and complexity down, I have decided to drive my  
gauges with an LCD behind the panel.  While looking at  
www.baron58.com, I noticed that he used gauge fronts from Simkits to  
add a bit more realism to his cockpit.  I have not been able to get an  
answer back from Simkits if they will sell me the gauge rings and  
lens.  Does anyone else know of any source for gauge rings and lens?

I would like to try fitting a rotary encoder behind the gauges that  
need adjustment knobs, so depth does matter since the LCD will be  
behind the panel.

On another note, I will be using Amtel AVR microcontrollers to drive  
my avionics stack and the GPS/weather radar.  Has anyone else done  
this?  I would be very interested in your experiences.  I should be  
buying my first AVR controller board and accessories from Futurlec  
this payday (http://www.futurlec.com/ATMEGA_Controller.shtml).  Lots  
of ports and lots of program space to play with.  The AVR appear to  
much more cost effective than PICs for this kind of work.


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