[simpits-tech] Driving LED's form the parallel port (?)

Matt Bailey mattb at rtccom.net
Mon Nov 1 21:50:52 PST 2004

Interestingly, I was just thinking about this the other day. I planned
on going online and seeking some Python tutorials on talking to the
parallel port, I'll probably need to track down plenty of Python
examples as I have virtually no experience talking to system devices. :)
If I can get it working (a big "if") my plan was to add it to the gear
I'm working on now......I finally got going on building a "full size"
joystick setup, got the basic mechanics of it working, plenty of work
left on wiring and finishing though. My previous building experience has
been almost exclusively with model planes, using soft woods like balsa
and lite ply.......working with metal is proving a bit of a challenge
for me...... =O

	-Matt Bailey

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