[simpits-tech] model helicopter shot

Fred Mahone fred.mahone at vt.edu
Mon Jun 28 16:53:47 PDT 2004

I do not think I could ever have the guts to do what he did with a $2000 rc 
helicopter. One glitch on the radio frequency, and your
model does a dive bomb for the ground.

I thought about getting in to rc helicopters, but after going to the rc 
field where I live and seeing a couple become un-aerodynamic plows and 
totally destroy themselves, I decided not to.

Our field is under the shadow of a mountain where all of the radio, tv, 
public safety and assorted other radio systems are sited.
One survey said there is 20 million watts of radiated power on top. I would 
be afraid of gaining any altitude and the stray rf blocking the receiver 
and the heli becoming worm fodder!

Maybe, I need to become a flat lander, again!

Fred Mahone 

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