[simpits-tech] Bit the bullet

Brian Sikkema hangr18 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 8 03:39:37 PDT 2004

Whelp, I finally did it. I just ordered the full-scale Aurora 7 panel scan 
I've been wanting to get. I figure once I have that I can get the parts to 
start making the main panel for the Merc. Probably stop by the hobby shop 
tomorrow to see what they have to offer for construction materials. That's 
the nice part about a simple panel like this, I can trace the main panels 
over whatever construction material I'm using, and just cut them out. A bit 
of work on the drill press and with a dremel, and I've got myself a panel, 
ready for switches and guages! And a cockpit to put it in, of course, but 
what can you do.... ;)

Oh, and I've also discovered that there may be a way to make a module for 
Orbiter that will allow multi-monitor support. Talking with the codemonkies 
about it now, but it might already be possible. And if it isn't, I'm still 
bugging Martin to include it in the coming versions! :)


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