[simpits-tech] wiki...

Radvan, James James.Radvan at rbs.co.uk
Wed Jul 7 18:16:27 PDT 2004


I certainly would be interested but a) my time is very limited with
full-time work and a full-time degree and a full-time wife (!) and b) the
point of a Wiki is that everyone maintains it!  Technically, the only
experience I've had is with Wikipedia so I wouldn't feel qualified to make a
recommendation, though I'll look into it.

I'm a keen contributor to Wikipedia because I like to share what limited
knowledge I have, and I thought the world should know about the insane
people out there building pits.  I'd be happy to help in any way I could
with the simpits wiki, but wouldn't feel comfortable committing to a
maintenance role that I unfortunately won't have time for.

Hope you understand!


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Gene Buckle [SMTP:geneb at deltasoft.com]
> Sent:	07 July 2004 17:21
> To:	Simulator Cockpit tech list
> Subject:	[simpits-tech] wiki...
> *** WARNING : This message originates from the Internet ***
> James, if I set up a Wiki on the simpits site, would you be interested in
> maintaining it?  If so, what Wiki would you recommend I install?
> g.

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