[simpits-tech] Software reports

Gene Buckle geneb at deltasoft.com
Sun Feb 8 11:26:47 PST 2004

> don't know how good it will support the f15 but since it does support the
> A10,
> it should have dual engine support, and a regular stick ( i may be wrong
> but they did a complete model of the a10 AFAIK)

Ido, the Falcon flight model is tightly integrated to the Flight Control
Law System that they're emulating.  The FLCS is very F-16 specific.  They
can only tweak it so much before it has to be thrown out and done from
scratch.  If, in Falcon 5 they build a CAS and other flight control
systems for other aircraft, it'll be worth taking a serious look at.

The thing with Falcon is that while it's a one trick pony, it's a VERY
good pony.  By hanging crap from other aircraft on it all they're doing is
muddying up a good product.


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