[simpits-tech] Interesting auction...

Ido Dekkers idekkers at clicksoftware.com
Tue Feb 3 09:12:33 PST 2004

it looks like prohms work, and the first version with the old chaff flare
panel ( which is not 50/52 as far as i know).
Does prohm knows about this ? that people are using his artwork for money ?

             Gene Buckle                                                   
             <geneb at deltasoft.                                             
             com>                                                       To 
             Sent by:                  simpits-tech at simpits.org            
             simpits-tech-boun                                          cc 
             ces at simpits.org                                               
                                       [simpits-tech] Interesting          
             02/03/2004 05:51          auction...                          
             Please respond to                                             
             Simulator Cockpit                                             
                 tech list                                                 
             <simpits-tech at sim                                             


Now is it just me, or is there actually a Simpits International logo on
that poster?

Nice poster.  I don't necessarily mind, but a heads-up woulnd't have hurt.


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