[simpits-tech] phidgets

Roy Coates roy at flightlab.liv.ac.uk
Tue Dec 28 20:23:08 PST 2004

On Mon, 27 Dec 2004, Craig Shira wrote:

> Why do "Phidgets" now only offer  a 0/16/16 board. What happened to the
> 0/32/32 board and I thought they started with a 0/64/64 board ?
> looks like they are just trying to charge the same price for less product ?

There were some driver problems with the earlier boards, Chester has found
the 16 to be the most popular and so thats what he offers. Its a cool


Roy Coates.
Dept of Engineering.
Liverpool University.
E-Mail: r.coates at liv.ac.uk
Tel: 0151 794 4862

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