[simpits-tech] Keyboard encoders

Ido Dekkers simpits-tech@simpits.org
Mon, 26 May 2003 09:03:23 +0300

but when you want to incorporate the other phidgets in the code - you have
constant output going to them - servos,leds, encoders, synchros and
steppers i think it does need to be efficient ?

but since i know nothing about programming, do correct me if I'm wrong.


             James Hallows                                                 
             m>                                                         To 
             Sent by:                  simpits-tech@simpits.org            
             simpits-tech-admi                                          cc 
                                       Re: [simpits-tech] Keyboard         
             05/25/2003 07:51          encoders                            
             Please respond to                                             


> >>  About the software, my friend is writing VC ( he will hit me if i
> mention VB near him),
> >Yeah most usually do ;) Still - Foxy and all of its components is
> written in VB - and it's as stable as a rock.
>He'll probably say it's not efficient.

And he'd be right. It isn't. But who cares? If you have an app that spends
most of its time sitting around waiting for the user to do something, then
it doesn't particularly have to be. An end user doesn't care about
efficiency of coding. He cares whether your app does what it claims to do,
and without crashing. That's it. I've never approached my programming from
a programmer's point of view - I always develop from an end user's point of

view. I'll be the first to admit that my code isn't the tightest or most
structured. But that's not VB's fault - that's mine ;)

>Me too , trust me I'm buging him daily to Finnish it, but since he is a
>very busy man and he is doing it during work we'll have to wait a few more

Lovely ;)



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