[simpits-tech] New file uploaded to Simpits by .

Bubba simpits-tech@simpits.org
Tue, 17 Jun 2003 19:44:59 -0500

Stig Joergensen wrote:
> No need to sacrifice your fine GPS equipment...
> Its really quite simple... build a radio and listen on 1.57542GHz and
> you will hear NAVSTAR satellites transmitting....
> the problem is decoding... but iirc a chip will decode this for
> you... i
> saw a diy kit at one time for around 50-60 bucks, where a PIC was used
> as comparator....

But that's kinda like the handgun waiting period. By the time I finish the
project I won't be pissed anymore ;)
The only difference in 40 and 140 is the sirens and flashing lights
behind you.