[simpits-tech] VB Code to strip digits apart

Gordan Sikic simpits-tech@simpits.org
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 12:22:42 +0100

Hi everybody,

I'd like to add few comments about compilers:

>Borland C++ v5.5  (downloadable from http://www.borland.com)
>Open Watcom C     (downloadable from http://www.openwatcom.com)
>Cygwin gcc        (downloadable from http://www.cygwin.org)
All are excellent products, and are C and  C++ compilers as well.

For borland compiler, FreeCommandLineTools.something should be 
downloaded, but the debugger is in different archive and should be 
downloaded separately. I strongly suggest to do it.  After installing, 
two files need to be created by hand, in bin directory: bcc32.cfg, and 
ilink32.cfg. As someone already stated, if you need help, just ask. I 
learned C (and C++) using tc (old Borland's compiler) and have always 
liked (adored) borland's products. Using this compiler, you'll be up and 
running in almost no time. If you fall in love with this compiler, it is 
possible to switch to complete "Borland's builder" , which is roughly 
similar to VC programming environment.

excellent compiler suite!
but, I have downloaded a year ago V11.0 (or was it V12.0?), but it came 
without win32 SDK, since it was propriety of M$, ant it was to be 
downloaded separately, from M$ url.  In the meantime, new version of 
openwatcom was published, but I haven't had any chance to try it :(

gcc, classics!
very reliable,  produces nice code, has everything included,.....
Primary difference compared to other compilers is that evolution of this 
compiler is ruled by technical reasons only, without involving economic 
ones.  On the other hand, it is a "unix like" compiler,  running within 
unix shell on windoze. You should be familiar with unix command line in 
order to use it. On the other hand, it is possible to create windoze 
program (or library) that will run without unix shell. If you opt for 
this compiler, be sure to download complete cygwin suite, not gcc only.

I earn money using VC6.0, it's not free (and I don't like it, personal 
opinion only), but I have to state that almost all open source, if 
ported to windoze has direct port to VC. I also have to admit that MSDN 
is  excellent help system. On the other hand, code produced by other 
compilers is (very) comparable to the code made using VC, and I wouldn't 
like to make any statements here.  I've heard that VC7.0 command line 
compiler is freely downloadable from M$, but don't know any details.

