[simpits-tech] beta innovations

Bubba mysticz28 at swbell.net
Wed Dec 31 03:39:29 PST 2003

Justin Messenger wrote:
> They have some cool suff! I like the direction they are going as not
> all of us have the programing skill to use Phidgets. The Keyboard
> Studio and Keyboard Emulator  look promising.

Looks to me like they make exactly what I want. Sure it's more expensive
than hacking a $20 keyboard, and you get less inputs, but it looks like
there are no ghosting issues and the software makes up for the few problems.
My plan is to build modular sections of the pit that are each fully
functional by themselves, then plug the modules together as they're
finished, so less inputs really isn't a problem. Each module gets it's own
controller, except for the main panels which have nearly zero input on them.
Almost everything is either on the eyebrow or the center console/quad. I
think there are 2 small panels on the overhead I'll need for engine
controls, the rest can be mockups for all I care. The mockups, however, will
be made by cutting out the panel on the poster and bonding it to a suitable
plate, which then dzuses into the framework. That way I can gradually
replace the dummies with functional panels that control nothing since no sim
I've ever seen models the cabin pressure, no smoking light, and other dead
weight support systems ;)

First step in any project is to have a plan. And now I do :)
mysticz28 at swbell.net
He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in.

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