[simpits-tech] Headset Adapters

simpits-tech@simpits.org simpits-tech@simpits.org
Sat, 28 Sep 2002 01:52:28 -0500

Brian Sikkema wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Ok, number crunching is done, $15 per adapter (plus actual shipping),
> headset and mic all in one, any takers? I'd need at least 5-6 people to
> cover my costs. I'm gonna put together a sample with the parts I already
> have, although I do have to order a box to finish that up. I'll post pics a
> plenty once that's done. 20 bucks below the competition, and no work
> required, this time you really can't beat that! ;)

I'll take one. With my new job I'm more than a little too busy to build
my own, but at least I'll have a bunch of free steel to build a good
platform out of :) I'll even let you know how it works with an Avcomm
AC-900. Oh yeah, will it do stereo? The AV-900 is both stereo and mono,
but stereo is much, much cooler :)

On another note, don't suppose you know how to build a box that'll
automatically switch between inputs? I need a thing that'll let me plug
in 2-3 inputs and one output. Normally the first input will be active,
but if there's any noise on the 2nd input it'll override the first, and
the third will override the second. I need a good way to connect an MP3
player, FRS radio, and radar detector to the speakers in my helmet. Must
have music, communication, and a bit of warning of incoming radars while
riding down the freeway at 100 mph ;)
Jesus saves, Budda enlightens, Cthulhu thinks you'll make a nice