[simpits-tech] I remember

Roy Coates simpits-tech@simpits.org
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 15:09:56 +0100 (BST)

On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, Stig Joergensen wrote:

> And our respect from Denmark as well...
> Hope this day will bring light, and eventual upgraded to a national
> holiday
> one minute of silent please.............

The recent re-plays on TV showing the towers, pentagon and shanksville are
harsh reminders of what happened and are as shocking now as they were
then. In some ways more so now that the disbelief has waned and only the
horror remains.

While I too observed a minutes silence, and have spent much time thinking
of the poor souls who lost their lives and the folks they left behind. I
am gravely worried that any further attack will not occur today, but in a
day or two's time when security has once again relaxed. That scares me.

