[simpits-tech] Touch Screens

Roy Coates simpits-tech@simpits.org
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 23:31:51 +0100 (BST)

On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Gene Buckle wrote:

> > 1. Rip boards into 4.5" widths on table saw.
> > 2. Run boards through surface planer until uniform.
> > 3. Run each board through jointer until straight.
> > 4. Apply biscuit joiner to edges from both sides.
> > 5. Route slot in breadboard edging.
> > 6. Route tenon on table end to recieve bredboard edge.
> > 7. Apply glue and retire to watch TV.
> >
> Wow.  I didn't know Fisher-Price made that many tools....

Hope you're hungry... I've mailed you my shorts.

Delta and DeWalt - for my sins :/
