[simpits-tech] Phidgets on the Bench

fitchett simpits-tech@simpits.org
Fri, 8 Nov 2002 12:52:12 -0700 (MST)

Hi guys,

This is a quick update for what I have going right now.  Well, what
applies to simpits, anyway.  I'm doing a small production run.

The 256-input PhidgetInterfaceKit is going into production.

The 0/16/16 PhidgetInterfaceKit, opto-isolated, is going into production.
This is a smaller, cheaper version of the 0/32/32.  If any of you know of
cheap NPN transistor arrays, must be able to be socketted, and it would be
nice if they had clamping diodes integrated, let me know.  (please!).

PhidgetLED, driving an 8-digit 7-seg display, 0.41" digits, is going into
production.  These are the modules being used by Chris Brace.

PhidgetLED, driving 64 discrete LEDs, or a 8-digit 7-seg display of your
choice.  (Must be Common Anode).  A 8*2 0.100" header is provided to
interface your display.  64 hole pairs for the discrete LEDs are also
provided on the board.

<must do - add software dimming to PhidgetLED>

PhidgetStepper, 2 Bipolar or Unipolar motors, up to 30V, 2 Amps/coil.
This will provide half-stepping by default.  The algorithms can be
improved at a later date, if people want it.

random thoughts -

I'm playing with a prototype device that outputs an Analog voltage, at up
to 250mA.  At it's core is just a massive Audio op-amp, that
produces some voltage between V+ and V-.  You provide V+ directly, up to
30V, and an onboard voltage regulator produces whatever V- you want.
There are a few conditions, the voltage difference between V+ and V- must
be at least 20V.  The device will then produce whatever Analog voltage you
want between (V+ - 2) and (V- + 2).

The production version will likely have four of these outputs.  Cost is
expected to be about $80 to $100 US.  Resolution should be 16 bits across
the 60V range.  A few potential optimizations come to mind.  My commercial
designs sometimes use a cheap DSP coupled to the USB microcontroller.
Since all the firmware is downloaded at run-time, I can easily add
algorithms to the devices.  For example, need 26VAC at 400Hz?  Want to
control a synchro with 3 of the outputs?  What about an air-core motor?

Another device which I think could benefit from more processing power is a
4-motor version of PhidgetStepper.  Using PWM on the coils of a stepper
motor allows microstepping.  Sigh.  Does anyone know where you can buy
more hours in the day?
