[simpits-tech] Misc

Steve Smith simpits-tech@simpits.org
Thu, 7 Feb 2002 08:53:22 -0500

What a nightmare.
Just horrible to think of all these being cut up.
Same for the B-52's out there.


> Steve/Gene,
> You think that is bad, a preservation society is being chased by the MOD
(Ministry of Defence) over here, because they purchased a F4 cockpit.
> As far as the MOD are concerned ALL F4s must be scrapped, regardless.  A
couple of museums have managed to save some, but even they may be under
> Over the years, we were fed the nonsense that the F4s had to be scrapped,
as part of the SALT treaty, however, it recently came to light that the US
government forbids us to keep them.  We either send them back to the US, or
scrap them.  (Private individuals/museums are not allowed to keep them, only
national musuems or the military are)
> If that wasn't bad enough, one of the F4s that is under threat, was GIVEN
to the UK by the US, in exchange for a Supermarine Swift.
> The end result, is the very few F4s that do remain intact, are hidden away
on military airfields, awaiting the scrapman.
> Anyway I'll get of my soapbox now....
> Darren