[GEM Development] The WWW retains the capacity to surprise...

Thomas Clayton topcatdrc at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 28 20:35:31 PST 2019

 WRT PCGEOS: Yep. Hadn't / Haven't mentioned it myself since I might be thought to be "disloyal". ;-)

Frank Fisher died suddenly about four years ago. He was the person at the head of "BreadBox ?Computers" who had attempted to purchase all source code, rights, etc to GEOS. While he had (most of them); despite monopoly laws a VERY large corp in Redmond WA had the rest. (!) (How /that/ was /ever/ allowed to happen confuses me to this day. GEOS had been a /direct/ competitor!) Anyway, upon his death an /immediate/ effort was launched - mostly by some German programmers / users - to legally get hold of the source from his estate and release (what could be) to Gnu P L (of some kind). (It may not BE Gnu but only similar. So be it.)  About 8 months ago, it began coming on-line but, of course, most folks wanted x86 /binary/, NOT source, code. BTW, Frank had been in the process of 16 --> 32 bit conversion during his tenure of GEOS. That was /not/ completed.

Surprises? How about KolibriOS? Offshoot of MinuetOS. ALL x86 assembly OS. Curious? Here:KolibriOS official site

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KolibriOS official site

KolibriOS official site



Well  - I /ONLY/ wanted to paste a URL! Oh well.
Follow the link back to Minuet and /they/ are going for 64-bit!

Lastly I LIKE the ether DOS - even more the DOS project it links TO!
EtherDFS - The Ethernet DOS File System
EtherDFS - The Ethernet DOS File System

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EtherDFS - The Ethernet DOS File System

Mateusz Viste





Thomas Clayton
BCCed Mark, Dave: Liam is a fellow Linux guy. Write TO him if you care to.
You can see his interests via his URL links.

    On Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 6:11:06 AM CST, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:  


In other DOS GUI news, has everyone noticed that PC GEOS is now FOSS? :-o


Liam Proven - Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk - Google Mail/Hangouts/Plus: lproven at gmail.com
Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven - Skype/LinkedIn: liamproven
UK: +44 7939-087884 - ČR (+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal): +420 702 829 053
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