[GEM Development] New driver: Sigma 400

John Elliott jce at seasip.info
Thu Oct 18 15:58:33 PDT 2018

Liam Proven wrote:
> Good to hear from you, John. How's life? 
Busy, and likely to remain so.

By way of throwing a diversion: Given that Microsoft have now 
open-sourced (parts of) MS-DOS 2.0 at 
<https://github.com/Microsoft/MS-DOS>, and AFAIK GEM runs under MS-DOS 
2.0, most of the parts exist for an open source OS and GUI for non-PC 
8086 platforms. It would amuse me (but probably no-one else) to see such 
a thing; the main requirement seems to be creating a suitable IO.SYS for 
your target platform of choice.

John Elliott

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