[GEM Development] Liam Proven! DOS in VirtualPC

Steve Nickolas usotsuki at buric.co
Sat Dec 9 12:49:26 PST 2017

On Sat, 9 Dec 2017, Liam Proven wrote:

> Stuff like not needing separate parameters for commands -- e.g.
> ``xcopy c: d: /sev'' instead of ``xcopy c: d: /s /e /v''  --  I see as
> a definite advantage, but you can ignore that.

And using a tweaked getopt(3) to parse arguments might allow that to work, 
as well as "xcopy /sev c: d:" - which would, arguably, be more user 
friendly, if it doesn't care where the switches are.

> Stuff like the colon column separators in ``DIR /w'' are the only
> hangover I know about.

Eh, that's fine, that's a CP/Mism.


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