[GEM Development] ITs been quiet Are we xmitting?

Shane M. Coughlan shane at shaneland.co.uk
Fri Sep 30 12:46:15 PDT 2005

Thomas Clayton wrote:

Thomas, you didn't write anything.  You just posted an old message and
changed the subject line.  However, you seem to be asking what's the
development status on GEM.

In the last couple of weeks nothing too exciting has been happening, but
for OpenGEM we're on track for the announced release of OpenGEM 5 on
October 17th.  There will be a new beta of Project Liberation soon, and
this will constitute the technological foundation for the fifth
generation of the OpenGEM distribution.

We're not in a rush with releasing things (for OpenGEM) because the most
important thing at this moment is stability and testing.  We will have
had about 2,000 downloads of the various OpenGEM technologies this
month, and awaiting user reaction is the main thing.  The great news is
that we have had ZERO bug reports so far.  It looks like both OpenGEM 4
Update 5 and Project Liberation Beta 3 are working pretty well.



Shane M. Coughlan BA(hons) MA

EMAIL: shane at shaneland.co.uk
WEB: www.shaneland.co.uk

MSN: shane_coughlan at hotmail.com
AOL: ShaneMCoughlan
Yahoo: shane_c
ICQ: 32280303
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 - Douglas Adams

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