[simpits-tech] RE: Building Simulated Aircraft Instrumentation

Joseph Fagner falcon4 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 27 14:37:10 PDT 2004

Hey guys, not sure if you know who Mike Powell is or not.  He's a fellow
electronics guru and sim dabbler who just published a book on how to build
simulated aircraft instruments.  I just got mine in the mail and this baby
is chock full of goodies, programming examples, step by step how to's and
what not's.  

For the novice builder like me, this thing is going to be worth its weight
in gold. Mike busted his butt publishing it.  You can go to his web site and
check out a sample of the book there and if you like, he has a paypal link
for purchase (and no, I get nothing in return). This is such a niche hobby,
to have someone come along and publish a book that has this much detail and
how to in it is something special in my mind.  I'd like to see him supported
and rewarded in his endeavor.  I can tell you, Mike has helped me on
numerous occasions design custom circuits for me to interface some of my
real components to Falcon.  Thanks to Mike, I now have a real working
caution panel and all warning and caution lights in the pit (thanks go out
to Loulou and Sharknoir for the software and to Robert Farve for their work
on the software side).  I also have a real working speed brake indicator and
functional radar cursor transducer from the real F-16 throttle thanks to

Check it out:


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