[simpits-tech] CM/LM

Sean Galbraith simpits-tech@simpits.org
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 09:02:07 +1300

At 07:51 PM 1/19/03 +0000, you wrote:
>>Got it in one, Docking tunnel of the CM to the EVA hatch of the 
>>LM.  I >was also thinking of having only half a LM, like the walk in 
>>museum >sim type thingee's. Basically the front half only, and open at 
>>the >back.
>You seen these guys yet, Sean?

That's the sort of layout I'd do for the LM.. well maybe a little deeper, 
and I'd have to have the ascent engine cover for someone to sit on ;-)

>They're gonna do a Merc sim as well, I emailed the guy a while back and he 
>sent me a decent Merc drawing, seemed like a nice guy but wasn't overly 
>helpful. Oh well, can't win 'em all, I guess.

Didn't they do a Merc docking sim... or was that someone else?
