Gene Buckle simpits-chat@simpits.org
Mon, 6 Jan 2003 17:57:59 -0800 (PST)

I'd like to coordially welcome the over 100 new members to the Simpits
International mailing list!

First of all, let me apologize to all 100+ of you for the horribly long
wait you had before I figured out something was going on.  Some of you
have waited over 2 *years* in the approval queue over at Yahoo Groups.

It was brought to my attention today that someone was having a problem
subscribing to the list.  After doing some checking, it turns out this
poor guy was subscribing to the old Yahoo group "[simpits]".  Since Derek
and I had disabled the group, there had been *109* people sitting in the
approval queue.  I'm surprised that the Yahoo list manager software never
emailed anyone about this.

The good news is that you're all on board.  This brings the total Simpits
list membership up to 376!

Some of you may have already subscribed to the list under a different
email address after an unsuccessful attempt over at Yahoo.  If you begin
to get duplicate messages from the simpits-tech list, please let me know
which email address you'd like me to unsubscribe for you.  (Unless of
course you want the messages to go to both addresses, then I'll leave it

The new members have also gotten a "Welcome" message from the old simpits
list.  This is because I marked everyone as "approved" so that there would
be no confusion if you get a welcome message from the new list, and a
subscription denial from the old list.  At your option, you can
unsubscribe from the Yahoo list (I can do this for you if you like) or you
can remain on it.  There will not be any traffic on the old
simpits@yahoogroups list other than administrative messages that I may
need to send occasionally.

If you do not want to be a member of the simpits-tech list for any reason,
you may unsubscribe by following the instructions that are attached to
every list message.  Alternately, you can send a message to
"simpits-tech-admin@simpits.org" and I'll be happy to manually remove you
if you so desire.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at

Again, welcome to the list everyone!
